



2024-07-21 01:25:28 来源:网络


be sure of和be sure to有什么不同???
1🤯_——😁、含义不同be sure to do sth的意思是肯定🦌🐽__🦜🦥、一定⛳——_😮🤯、谅必😘😜-🐽😭、势必🐅-_🕷。be sure of doing sth的意思是确信🐨👽_🐾🐒、自信🦒🦉——🍃👹、信得过🐜_✨、有把握🏅🐔——🎀。2🌷_😶😵、用法不同be sure to do sth 用法🪀😾——|🐯:be sure to do一般指别人认为主语可以做某事🦜——|🌗。be sure of doing sth 用法🪄——🐌:be sure of doing一般指主语自己认为可以做到某事🎇🐅||🐀。
be sure to do sth和be sure of doing sth的区别为🦆🦂_😰🐰:意思不同🐝🐱-——🐌🐲、侧重点不同🦏——|🙉、出处不同🐫⛅️——-🦀😕。一🤩🤫_|🌪✨、意思不同1🤣☹️_😥🥎、be sure to do sth🐓_🐊:确定做某事🥉🙉--*,务必做某事*-|*🐉。2🎱-😞🌻、be sure of doing sth🦋*||🐟🎇:一定要做某事🦈🔮|🎳🍃。二🐾||🌓🦜、侧重点不同1🐡🐄_|🦔、be sure to do sth🐽_🏆:sure表示“无疑的😯🐥——🐱🌜,确信的😂🦠-_🌎🪴,有把握的”😊——🐯,指主观上对后面会介绍🎑🐈——-🪄。


be sure of和be sure to的区别??
1. be sure of/about + 名词🌞_🎲🦐,代词🌺||🌹🏏,动名词 意为确信🃏🎀-🥈🐝,对…有把握表示对客观事物有肯定的认识和判断🐙🙀-|💀🌘,主语必须是人.e.g. As Jordan joined our team, we are sure of winning the game this time.2. be sure to …一定🐞|_😑♟,肯定后接不定式往往表示局外人的推测🐫_🎱✨,评论🦀🦜|🤬,主语不一定是人.e.g等会说🐖🦕——🌾🎐。
be sure of 与be sure to do的区别*🐪-😸🐉:be sure of 和be sure that一样🤪|🥎🐹,主语是人🐸——🌻,主语感到“有把握😣🌺-——😂;确信”🦘_🦫;be sure to do的主语可以是人😀_|🛷,也可以是物🐌☹️|👻🦣,表示说话人推测“一定😁——|🪅🦙;必然会”🦝🙊_|🦚。例如🐜|🎈:He is sure of his success. /He is sure that he will succeed. 他确信他会成功😊⚡️-🐒⭐️。He is 好了吧🍂-🦙🤒!
be sure of和be sure to的区别??
因为后面跟的内容不一样😏🦅——🐺。be sure that后面加一句完整的句子🦙😌-_👽👽。如🌱_🐙🦐:i'm sure that simon lives here.simon lives here.是完整的句子😚🤧|🐡。be sure to do sth.如⚡️||🐪🦓:they are sure to be late 是一个动词而不是句子be sure of+名词如🥇——|🐩:we're sure of his sure that=be c是什么🌿🍃————🪢🎄。
be sure to do一般指别人认为主语可以做某事be sure of doing一般指主语自己认为可以做到某事be sure of表示对客观事物有肯定的认识和判断*——_🐖🐈,主语必须是人🦅——🪳。be sure to 后接不定式往往表示局外人的推测🎇-😮,评论🤤🐙_-🏓🐘,主语不一定是人🌸🐿-🦤。It's sure to rain tomorrow.I'm sure of passing the exam等我继续说🥅——🐀。.
be sure to be sure of区别,分别是什么意思,举例说明??
be sure of doing:做某事有把握be sure to do sth:肯定会做某事因为后面跟的内容不一样🦌🐰_-😿🦘。be sure that后面加一句完整的句子🦁-🦔😪。如🐈|🙀:I'm sure that Simon lives here. Simon lives here. 是完整的句子🐒——|🌸🐺。be sure to do sth. 如🐟-——🕹:They are sure to be late. be late 是一个动词而不是句子后面会介绍🦘-🦒。
be sure to do sth. 如🌔-|🌥:They are sure to be late. be late 是一个动词而不是句子be sure of+名词如🐜🐣——🪰🏆:We're sure of his innocence.在意思上sb. be sure to do表示某人一定会做某事🦈🐦||🐸🐘,用于祈使句可以表示“一定要……”be sure of表示确信🐥😳——|🌾。
be sure of, be sure to do 和 be sure that的区别??
更正楼上这位be sure that 不等于be certain that 前者人做主语 而后者应该用it做主语例子🐦🤧__😷:I'm sure that he'll be late.我确定他会迟到🦜——_🐺。It's certain that he'll be late.他肯定会迟到🦣*——🐵。
be sure of doing:做某事有把握be sure to do sth:肯定会做某事因为后面跟的内容不一样🐪🐋-🐂。be sure that后面加一句完整的句子😘-😨🪄。如🦝__🌻:I'm sure that Simon lives here. Simon lives here. 是完整的句子🎨🐐_|🐔😒。be sure to do sth. 如😜🐃-🌲:They are sure to be late. be late 是一个动词而不是句子等我继续说🐳|-🥌。